Module @stonksjs/quote

Detailed, real-time stock quote data




Detailed, real-time stock quote data


npm install --save @stonksjs/quote


import quote, { getQuote } from '@stonksjs/quote';

// get stock quote data
const data = await quote('MSFT');

// alias of `quote` function
const data = await getQuote('MSFT');

Response Schema

The response schema for the quote function is as follows:

type Quote = {
index: string;
pE: number;
epsTtm: number;
insiderOwn: string;
shsOutstand: string;
perfWeek: string;
marketCap: string;
forwardPE: number;
epsNextY: string;
insiderTrans: string;
shsFloat: string;
perfMonth: string;
income: string;
peg: number;
epsNextQ: number;
instOwn: string;
shortFloatRatio: string;
perfQuarter: string;
sales: string;
pS: number;
epsThisY: string;
instTrans: string;
shortInterest: string;
perfHalfY: string;
bookSh: number;
pB: number;
roa: string;
targetPrice: number;
perfYear: string;
cashSh: number;
pC: number;
epsNext5Y: string;
roe: string;
'52WRange': string;
perfYtd: string;
dividend: string;
pFcf: number;
epsPast5Y: string;
roi: string;
'52WHigh': string;
beta: number;
quickRatio: number;
salesPast5Y: string;
grossMargin: string;
'52WLow': string;
atr: number;
employees: number;
currentRatio: number;
salesQQ: string;
operMargin: string;
rsi14: number;
volatility: string;
optionable: string;
debtEq: number;
epsQQ: string;
profitMargin: string;
relVolume: number;
prevClose: number;
shortable: string;
ltDebtEq: number;
earnings: string;
payout: string;
avgVolume: string;
price: number;
recom: number;
sma20: string;
sma50: string;
sma200: string;
volume: number;
change: string;


Full API docs can be found at docs/modules





Renames and re-exports quote

Generated using TypeDoc